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Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Turco Vinçde herhangi bir problem olması durumunda...
Vinçde herhangi bir problem olması durumunda üretici firmayla ve yetkili servis elemanlarıyla temas kurmalısınız.

Vinçde yapılacak yetkili servis elemanları haricinde tamirler garanti kapsamı dışında olacağından sorumluluk vinç sahibine ait olacaktır.

Traduzioni completate
Inglese If there is any problem with the crane
21Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".21
Turco When u come
eylulde yanliz gelmeni istiyorum....
yanlizca sen ve ben..... son kez ......
sen benim icin endiselenme....isleri
toparliyorum az kaldi...sikintilar bitecek...
ama sen yanliz gel...sen marmarmarise
geldiginde benimsin.....seni ozledim
bana sadece zaman ver.....lutfen yanliz
burda yasasaydin beni mutlu edeceginini
biliyorum.....zaman dari sen uzulme ve
hayatina devam et simdilik.....ama
marmarise geldiginde sadece benim
oldugunu unutma...ben eylulu bekliyorum....
ve bekleyecegim....

Traduzioni completate
Inglese I want you to come alone
Lingua originale
Turco artık zamanı karıştırdım
artık zamanı karıştırdım

Traduzioni completate
Inglese I have messed up with
Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Inglese meanwhile,back in communist russia
meanwhile,back in communist russia
sadece anlam olarak çeviri

Traduzioni completate
Turco bu arada,komünist rusyada
10Lingua originale10
Inglese This years love had better last Heaven knows...
This years love had better last
Heaven knows it's high time
I've been waiting on my own, too long
When you hold me like you do
It feels so right, oh now
Start to forget how my heart gets torn
When that hurt gets thrown
Feelin' like I can't go on.
Turnin' circles time again
Cut like a knife, oh now
If you love me got to know for sure
Cuz' it takes something more this time
Then sweet, sweet lies, oh now
Before I open up my arms and fall losing all control
bu bir şarkı sözü buna gore cerirlmesizi arz ederim tesekkurler

Traduzioni completate
Turco Bu yıl aşk sürse iyi olur
Lingua originale
Inglese dhl
Dear sir,

For your order it is currently on hold and has been rejected by DHL. They have informed us this is because the package contains Mobile Phones which are prohibited to export due to licensing laws set by the government. So in this case may we ship out your package by FedEx instead?
Hope to hear from you as soon as possible, thank you.

Traduzioni completate
Turco dhl
Lingua originale
Inglese Close Window
You have already expressed your interest in that person.
Close Window

Traduzioni completate
Turco O kiÅŸiye olan ilgini
Lingua originale
Turco Programın amacı kişilere yönetim becerileri ile...
Programın amacı kişilere yönetim becerileri ile ilgili gerekli bilgi ve beceriyi kazandırarak, katılımcıların edindikleri bilgi ve beceriyi verimli olarak hayata geçirmelerini sağlamaktır.

Traduzioni completate
Inglese The aim of the program
Lingua originale
Inglese that is how i know you go on
that is how i know you go on

Traduzioni completate
Turco devam ettiÄŸini bu ÅŸekilde biliyorum
Lingua originale
Turco Beni bilen gerek
Beni bilen gerek
Cagirmadan gelen gerek
Istemeden sunan gerek
Gerisi neme gerek..

Traduzioni completate
Inglese Need someone who knows me
Svedese Behöver någon som känner mig.
Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Turco Yagmur yagar islanirsin vay aman
Yagmur yagar islanirsin vay aman

Traduzioni completate
Inglese it rains and you get wet
Svedese Det regnar och du blir blöt
Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Turco ciceyim seni birgun deyil seni bir yil deyil seni...
çiçeğim seni bir gün değil seni bir yıl değil seni ölüm bizi ayırana kadar seveceğim seni birtanem mahşerde bile seveceğim kabul ediyorsan gel etmiyorsan uzak dur seven kalbimden ateşlere atma yeniden diri diri yakma beni

Traduzioni completate
Inglese my flower
Russo мой цветок
Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Turco şerro unnttun beni. ferruşş napıoş. ahahahah...
-ÅŸerro unnttun beni.
-ferruşş napıoş.
-ahahahah kankas sıçtım :D:D:D:D ferruş ne karısın abi.

Traduzioni completate
Inglese -ÅŸerro you have fotgotten me
Spagnolo me has olvidado
13Lingua originale13
Turco Üzülüceksin
Öğreneceksin beni sevmeyi
Unutmasanda geçmişi,yaşanmışı ve bitmişi
Duyacaksın sesini senin için çarpan yüreğimin
Üzülüceksin işte o zaman
Boşa oyaladığın zamana beni
Görmeye yeni yeni başladın
Anlatınca ben kendimi
Seni karşılıksız sevdiğimi

Traduzioni completate
Inglese You will be sorry
Bosniaco Bit će ti žao
Lingua originale
Inglese My vacations finished and your interest me...
My vacations finished and your interest me finished too. Surely arrived another girls which are easy, not like me. Surely damage you this 3 hour which we have spent on the beach, because you wanted more that i give you. But why you all time said to me that you love me. You are all the same. And i was stupid wanted to come for you to turkey in october.

Traduzioni completate
Turco Benim tatilim bitti ve senin
31Lingua originale31
Portoghese brasiliano Quando precisar de alguém pra desabafar Quando...
Quando precisar de alguém
pra desabafar
Quando precisar de alguém
estarei por lá
Quando precisar
de uma amizade verdadeira
que perdure a vida inteira
é só me chamar...

Traduzioni completate
Inglese When you need someone
Turco Birine ihtiyacın olduğunda
31Lingua originale31
Tedesco HAllo, es ist sehr schade, das du dich nicht...
was ist eigentlich los mit dir?
Es ist sehr schade, das du dich nicht mehr meldest und eine Freundschaft so zu ende geht.
Ich hätte zumindest erwartet, das du mir einen Grund mitteilst oder mir einfach sagst, das du
keine Freundschaft mehr möchtest. Das wäre ja ok. Ich denke mal, das kann ich schon erwarten.
Es wäre zumindest nach deinen Versprechen besser, als sich einfach nicht mehr zu melden.

Traduzioni completate
Inglese Hello, it's a great pity that ...
Turco Merhaba çok yazık ki...
Lingua originale
Tedesco Relevanz
das ganze macht auch noch spass wie dieses durchweg witzig geschriebene und originell bebilderte Buch beweist,das bei allen Humor dennoch nie den ernsten Hintergrund vergessen laesst

Traduzioni completate
Inglese Relevance
Turco mizaha raÄŸmen kimsenin
Progetto - Turkish Christian News Paper Lingua originale
Inglese Christians Ready Hurricane Response
As the massive category five storm Hurricane Dean continues to pound its way towards the Gulf of Mexico, Christian organisations are assembling their relief operations in preparation for large-scale devastation.

World Vision in the US said that its Mexico office had pre-positioned relief supplies in Yucatan in anticipation of huge needs for blankets, bed sheets, personal hygiene articles and medicines.

"This is a potentially historical storm," said Aldo Pontecorvo, director of humanitarian emergency assistance for World Vision in Mexico. "The Mexican coastline has never been hit by a Category 5 storm. We're preparing for extensive damage and widespread displacement."

Christian Aid staff and partner organisations are also stepping up relief efforts, including clearing trees and other debris blocking roads in Jamaica. The development agency will also be providing relief to people in Haiti whose crops have been destroyed.

Rhian Holder, Christian Aid’s programme officer in Jamaica, described the scene as the storm moved in:

“It's very, very loud, the wind is roaring and shrieking. The trees are breaking, you're hearing branches snapping, you're hearing thuds, things falling, you're not sure what it is.”

She added: “There is still no electricity across the island and communication is very difficult. In St Thomas, where one of our partners is based, the cell phone masts fell in a couple of areas, so it is very difficult to get through. The road to the airport in Kingston is blocked with trees, boulders and sand that have been blown across it.”

While other agencies will bring food and water, US-based Christian charity New Directions International has readied equipment for emergency shelter in Jamaica, including plastic tarpaulins and tin sheets for temporary roofing, as well as materials for roof repairs in the wake of the hurricane.

"NDI will focus on providing shelter relief and helping people dig out," according to New Directions’ CEO Joseph Williams, who added that the present hurricane resembled the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami and Hurricane Katrina to which New Directions also provided emergency shelter and supply within a few days.

The charity plans to remain in the hurricane-hit regions for the long haul. During the rebuilding phase, it will hand out backpacks full of school supplies among children as part of its Edu-Pack programme, and contribute towards the reconstruction of churches and schools.

The Salvation Army in Texas, meanwhile, has scrambled nine canteens and a mobile command centre to San Antonio in the case Hurricane Dean should take a turn towards the Lone Star State.

The canteens are stocked to feed a hundred first responders while the command centre will allow Salvation Army officers to coordinate their efforts to meet the urgent needs of hurricane victims.

Traduzioni completate
Turco Hristiyanlar kasırgaya hazır
Lingua originale
Inglese Family members of the Korean hostages are...
Family members of the Korean hostages are suffering along with the victims in Afghanistan, with reports of parents passing out and being hospitalised from the emotional strain.

One hostage’s family member, who asked to remain anonymous, said, “I try to sleep so that I don’t pass out, but I just can’t sleep. I’m bearing so much, just thinking about my kidnapped child,” according to Chosun Ilbo - South Korea’s largest newspaper.

Family members have dark circles under their eyes and carry weary faces as they take turns with vigils each night. Stress is especially high each time a deadline approaches.

“They are suffering from severe indigestion and heart pains due to the continued mental trauma,” said Dr. Cha Byeong-ho, who is looking after the health of the families at the hostages’ home church in Bundang, just south of the South Korean capital Seoul, according to Chosun Ilbo.

If the families decide to make the trip, they want to make the visit before the two-day summit meeting between Afghan president Hamid Karzai and President Bush starting on Sunday.

The two leaders will discuss strategies on how to stabilise the war-torn country as Afghanistan faces the worst level of violence over the past 18 months since the overthrow of the Taliban regime in 2001. Solutions to the hostage crisis are also expected to be discussed.

“We plead with the U.S. government for help: the kidnapped went there to share love, but they are having days like hell. We believe the Bush administration will act for humanitarianism,” read the letter submitted by the families to the U.S. Embassy in Seoul on Wednesday, according to The Korea Times.

A South Korean delegation arrived Thursday in Washington to appeal for U.S. help in the hostage crisis. South Korea expressed hope Friday that advancements will be made during this weekend’s summit to win the release of the hostages, according to Reuters.

South Korea said it has conveyed to the Taliban that it is virtually powerless in granting the rebels’ demand to free prisoners held by the Afghan government and U.S. forces.

“Through our contacts, our foremost goal is to make it clear that there is a limit as to what our government can do to meet their demands of releasing the prisoners," presidential spokesman Chun Ho-sun told reporters Friday, according to Reuters.
this article is for newspaper

Traduzioni completate
Turco Koreli rehinelerin
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